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◆要旨:Body Mass Index(以下,BMI)25kg/cm2以上の肥満を有する婦人科腹腔鏡下手術患者に対し,X線CT計測法を用いて内臓脂肪値を計測し,手術経過を検証した.
BACKGROUND : Recently, the number of obese patients undergoing surgery is increasing. However, the impact of visceral fat on laparoscopic surgery, especially on gynecological laparoscopic surgery remains unknown. The objective of this study was to investigate the efficacy of measurement of visceral fat area using CT scanning in gynecological laparoscopic surgery. MATERIALS AND METHODS : A total of 25 obese patients(Body Mass Index: BMI>or=25 kg/cm2)undergoing gynecological laparoscopic surgery were enrolled in the study. Informed consents were obtained. Visceral fat were assessed by software which automatically calculate visceral fat areas from CT images. Operative course of all patients were validated. RESULTS : The median age of the patients was 39 years, ranging from 14-65 years. The median height was 158.4 cm(range :144.9-172.8 cm), median weight was 70.0 kg(range: 55.0-95.0 kg), and median BMI was 27.7 kg/cm2(range: 25.2-35.3). Eleven patients had high visceral fat area(>or=100 cm2). Of the 25 patients, two patients had their surgery converted to laparotomy due to adhesion of endometriosis and high visceral fat area(161.4 cm2and 224 cm2, respectively). There was no conversion to laparotomy in 14 patients with low visceral fat area(<100 cm2). CONCLUSION : The impact of visceral fat was revealed on laparoscopic surgery in deep pelvic area such as Douglas'pouch(i.e. endometriosis, cervical uterine leiomyoma). Further studies are needed to confirm the efficacy of measurement of visceral fat area.

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