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In spite of some quantum chemical studies, it seemed to be difficult to calculate theore-tically the reaction heat of energy rich phosphate because of the complexity of d-function in phosphate. We extended the LCAO MO method to the dπ-pπ conjugation system by considering the specific figure of 3dπ orbital of P atom, and got a energy level, E=α+δβ, which did not appear in ordinary π systems. Applying the extended method, we computed the resonance energy difference of dπ-pπ systems between the reactant and the hydrolyzed products of ATP and ADP. Estimating the value of parameterσ. the difference of Coulomb integral between dπ and pπ orbital, and β, the value of resonance integral, at 0.2 and -40Kcal respectively, the hydrolyzing heats of ATP and ADP are obtained as -12.7 Kcal and -11.8 Kcal respectively, which are well concordant with the experimentally observed value known as energy rich. According to the above mentioned results, the recent works by Morales et al. on the correction of standard free energy of ATP are interpreted quantum chemically as an electrostatic interaction between ATP and solvent. In order to check the appropriateness of the value of δ, we applied the same value to the thioester bond of acetyl Co-A as ordinary π-system, because the d-orbital of S atom stands at the end of the system, then does not play the specific role. The calculated resonance energy difference by hydrolysis is -9.8 Kcal, coinciding with the experimental value.

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