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そこで本研究では,断酒会会員の,飲酒開始からの認識の変化の特性と,行動変容のために重要な認識を明らかにすることを目的とする。そのために,断酒会の断酒継続者にインタビューを実施し,民族誌的な内容分析(ethnographic content analysis:Altheide,1987;Tesch,1990)を行なった。そして,その結果を諸文献と比較検討した。
It is said that recovery from alcoholism requires abstinence. And it is hard for alcoholics to keep this practice by themselves. In many cases alcoholics are advised to enter self help groups. such as Danshukai or Alcoholics Anonymous supporting their abstinence. However, they often refuse the advice and as a result fail to maintain their abstinence.
This paper aims to explore how alcoholics come to realize the necessity of abstinence and help from other alcoholics for recovering from alcoholism.
A qualitative approach, ethnographic content analysis, is adopted here. Persons who are interviewed are those members of Danshukai who suffer no other addictions and have been abstinent for at least 24 months.
Intensive analysis is made on the interviews with six male alcoholics. The result shows several awareness processes towards recognition of their problems. These processes are characterized by nine steps. 1) I have no problem with drinking. 2) Something is wrong. 3) I may be alcoholic. 4) I am alcoholic. 5) There's no way to control drinking by myself. 6) I decided to quit drinking. 7) I feel guilty. 8) I began to ease myself. 9) I feel confident about myself.
The result of the analysis is further compared with other discussions on the consciousness of disease in alcoholics. Feeling guilty and having confidence are proved to be the two powerful sources providing a strong motivation to maintain abstinence.

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