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We aimed to investigate the bowel habits of elderly persons by the Japanese version of the constipation assessment scale (J-CAS Ver. 2), which has three types of answer forms (three different assessment terms : during the past some days, during the past one week, and during the past one month), revised and developed from the original tool (McMillan & Williams, 1989). 383 elderly persons (92 males and 291 females ; 76.9±7.9yr.) completed the scale. 327 were healthy but 56 were disabled. The latter need some or much help to accomplish their activities of daily lives. No significant difference was seen between each two sets of scores out of three kinds of CAS which have different answer froms described above, between those of the genders, nor ages. However, the CAS score of the disabled elderly was significantly higher than the healthy ones (p<0.01). Besides, the lower the ability of self-care was, the higher the CAS score was. And the scores of CAS, completed by one of the main family members of the disabled elderly on their behalf, correlated with those of their own scores (r=0.70〜0.75). From these results, it is suggested that the bowel habits of the female elderly whose menstrual cycles had finished become similar to those of males, that there is no correlation between age and constipation in the healthy elderly, and that the decline of the self-care ability could cause constipation in the disabled elderly.

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