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精神看護専門看護師が存在し研究に同意の得られた精神病院において,病状・セルフケアが不安定で退院3か月未満で再入院をするもしくは入院3か月以上の統合失調症患者29名(長期入院患者予備群)に,入院中2か月,退院後3か月間のM-CBCM(modified community-based care management;修正版集中包括型ケア・マネジメント)を実施し,病状,日常生活・社会的機能,家族の態度,QOLを用いて,患者の入院時,退院時,退院3か月後に評価を行なった。
This study was conducted with the cooperation of a psychiatric hospital in Kyushu at which M-CBCM was provided to 29 schizophrenic patients from the time of their readmission to three months after discharge.
The patients had been unstable both in their psychiatric symptoms and in self-care management. All were either readmitted within three months of their previous discharge or their hospitalization continued more than three months.
Evaluations were made upon of readmission, discharge, and three months after discharge. Evaluations were based on indexes rating psychiatric symptoms, daily living skills, social functioning, family perceptions of the patient being a burden, and Quality of Life (QOL).
The patients were divided into two groups: 17 patients (Group C) were able to live in the community for more than three months after discharge.
Twelve patients (Group D) were either readmitted within 3 months of discharge or remained hospitalized. Many of the patients of both groups lived with their families, with parents playing the major role in terms of family support.
Significant difference were recognized between two groups regarding the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS), the Life Skills Profile (LSP), and QOL. Furthermore Significant improvements were recognized regarding BPRS, GAF, LSP and FAS at the times of admission, discharge and three month after the discharge.
Family perceptions of the patient being a burden also improved significantly, especially at times of discharge and three months after discharge in Group C.
Group C received support interventions for both patients and their families. Through this it became clear that such interventions were needed, not just for control of symptoms, but for helping patients connect with the community based on an understanding of personality, psychological developmental issues, and desires concerning daily life.
This study led us to the realization that optimum utilization of all the social resources available to the community-including resources for those with disabilities and difficulties and not necessarily tailored for patients with psychiatric disorders-promotes a patient's stable settlement in the community after discharge from the hospital.
For successful (re) integration it is important to find a specialist within the patient's community who has a practical, working understanding of the symptoms and psychosocial developmental issues of the patient.
These results were discussed from a viewpoint acknowledging the significance of M-CBCM, the necessity of finding and utilizing community resources, and the importance of transitional support from “Person-oriented” to “Place-oriented” so as to widen the patient's support base.
Furthermore, with an eye towards future studies, discussions included the necessity of strengthening family support as well as the limitations of this study.

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