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今日,わが国のNICUにおいても,早産児であっても痛みを知覚し(Anand et al.,1987),痛みを起こす刺激に対して顔面表情で反応することができ(島田ら,1998),さらに,出生時からの継続的な痛み体験は長期予後に影響する(Taddio et al.,1997;Grunau et al.,1998)ということが認識されている。しかし,その認識は,十分に現象を解釈されたものとはいえない。それは,例えば,採血のために針が刺され,それに反応して顔をしかめたとしても,痛いと判断できる証拠はないという認識である。痛いと言われない限り,他者が痛いと解釈したとしても痛くない可能性もあるということである。このようなことを通して,言葉以外の方法で痛みの反応を記述することの必要性を痛感した。
The purpose of this study was to clarify differences of response to disinfection and heel stick by computerized quantitative analysis of upper facial motion, and to describe specified facial motion in response to heel stick.
The subjects were 4 preterm infants who were born between 26 and 31 weeks of gestation and were hospitalized in NICU. The data was collected between 29 and 32 weeks of postmenstrual age, and 5 sessions were analyzed. Each session was composed of 3 phases - quiet, disinfection, and heel stick. Facial motion was videotaped and analyzed by computerized quantitative analysis. We calculated the area of shape formed with 4 points on the face. Facial motion was analyzed in terms of appearance of facial motion (this means the value of area exceeding〔mean±2SD〕calculated by the value of area in 2 seconds just before disinfection and heel stick were done, that is, remarkable facial motion appears), and ratio of change in maximum facial motion (calculated based on the area in the quiet phase), and their patterns.
The results were as follows :
1) In this study, quite different responses between disinfection and heel stick were shown. That is, respondent pattern in disinfection was that the value of area exceeded〔mean±2SD〕, only temporarily, and changed within〔mean±2SD〕.
Respondent pattern in heel stick was that the value of area exceeded〔mean-2SD〕, and showed contraction of the area into the center of face.
2) In our study, differences in response between disinfection and heel stick could be described continuously and quantitatively in full detail.

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