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In order to clarify the function of human middle ear muscles diphasic impedance change found in patients with facial nerve paralysis was analysed. Impedance of the ear drum in response to the acoustic stimulation was recorded simultaneously with ear canal pressure. The results were that latency of the second wave in the diphasic wave was almost same as that of the wave in the paralysed side. The second wave accompanied with marked inward movement of the ear drum. The first wave appeared after complete recovery of the facial paralysis. Thus it was concluded that diphasic impedance change consists of stapedial (first wave) and tensor tympani (second wave) reflex. Diphasic wave seemed to take place through both a marked acoustic reflex of the tensor tympani muscle and difference in the latency of each reflex enough to produce two waves. Accumulated clinical observation of these cases reveal the role of each muscle in the middle ear.

Copyright © 1981, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.