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喉頭および咽頭に発生する悪性腫瘍はほとんどが癌腫であり肉腫は稀である。真性の癌肉腫はpseudosarcoma,carcinosarcoma,pleomorphic carcinoma,spindle cell carchlolna,collision tumorなどと呼称され,上皮性の悪性腫瘍である癌腫と間質性の悪性腫瘍である肉腫とが同一器官に認められる疾患であり,きわめて稀なものである。一方いわゆる癌肉腫(so-called carcinosarcoma)は癌細胞がその多態性のため癌肉腫様の病理組織像を示したものか,間質が炎症により変化を受けて肉腫様にみえる場合があり,真性の癌肉腫とは病態が異った疾患である。臨床的には一般にポリープ様の発育をし,その大きさに比して癌腫より悪性度が低く予後は良好であるといわれる。
Two cases of so-called carcinosarcoma of the larynx were reported.
Case 1 : a 79-year-old male with hoarseness was operated on for vocal cord polyp, which was pathologically diagnosed as so-called carcinosarcoma. Three reduction operations under microsurgery, irradiation therapy and chemotherapy were performed.
Case 2 : a 77-year-old male with sore throat, expectoration and swallowing disturbance presented an elastic hard, slightly irregular tumor in the hypopharynx, and a right cervical lymph node was palpable. The tumor of the hypopharynx was resected, and right modified neck dissection was done. Pathological examination revealed so-called carcinosarcoma, and there was also metastasis of squamous cell carcinoma in the right neck. After operation, irradiation therapy was added.
Both two cases, clinical courses after operation were uneventful.

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