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いわゆるblow-out fractureと呼ばれる眼窩壁骨折の際に,眼窩内側壁の中で篩骨眼窟板の骨折を見ることがある。一般にblow-out fractureとは顔面前方より加えられた鈍的外力が眼窩を密閉するように作用した場合に発生する眼窩壁の骨折であり,その際,眼球への障害や限窩縁の骨折を起こすことなく,急激に高まった眼窩内圧のために特に眼窩下壁が上顎洞方向へ吹き抜けるようにして起こるものと定義される1)。そして眼窩底のblow-out fractureと同様の機序によって眼窩内側壁にも骨折を起こすと考えられる。これはblow-out fracture of medial orbital wallとも呼ばれている2)。
Two cases of fracture of the medial orbital wall are reported. The endonasal repair by the use of a microscope and endoscope was performed under local anesthesia with satisfactory results. In both cases, the orbital content was seen swollen out into the ethmoid sinus together with fractured fragments of bone. After the fractured fragments were carefully removed, reconstruction of the orbital wall was performed with a silastic plate which was bent to U-shape before inserting in the ethmoid sinus. The silastic plate was fixed and retained in the ethmoid sinus for 4 to 6 weeks before removal.
No diplopia was observed postoperatively in both cases.

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