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近年,免疫生化学の進歩により,耳鼻咽喉科領域においても,いわゆる免疫不全症候群immunodeficiency syndromeについての報告が数多く見られる。これは反復性中耳炎を中心として,反復する上気道感染や副鼻腔炎や扁桃炎を伴うことが多く,われわれ耳鼻科医がその治療に非常に苦慮する疾患である。一方,感染防禦機構の中での白血球の機能は十分に認識されているが,免疫不全症候群の中において,白血球機能異常は,なお漠然たる概念であつた。しかし近年,白血球の生理・化学・機能に関する知見が急速に拡大し,特に好中球の役割の重要性が認識され,これに関係する免疫不全が次第に解明されるようになつた。
Two cases with recurrent infections of the ear or other organs were reported, and the immunological investigations of these children indicated their immunodeficiencies.
The first case, 6-year-old girl, had repeated otitis media and subcutaneous abscesses in different places of her body. Her serum immunoglobulin G; and M levels were elevated, but IgE level was normal. Delayed hypersensitivity to fungal antigens were positive. Her neutrophiles were consistently defective in chemotaxis, and showed unique morphologic abnormalities.
The second case, 2-year-old boy, has been sufferred from recurrent otitis media sinistra and otitis externa dextra. His major immunoglobulins (IgA, IgM, IgG) were absent or markedly reduced. Delayed hypersensitivity was negative. There-fore, he was diagnosed as having common variable immunodeficiency.
In these children suspected of immunodeficiency, not only immunoglobulin levels, but also complements, lymphocytes, and neutrophil function should be investigated.

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