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脳循環血流量がめまいと関係が深いことは衆知の事実である。最近のめまい患者の傾向として,従来多くみられたメニエール病が減少し脳循環障害に起因すると思われる症例が増加してきた2)。したがつて,めまいの検査も脳血流量の測定が必要となつてきた。脳血流量は主として脳灌流圧と脳血管抵抗により決まる。1949年Sheinbergらは平均動脈圧mean arterial blood pressure(以下MABPと略す)とこの脳灌流圧がよく平行することを見い出した5)。MABPとは拡張期血圧に脈圧の1/3を加えたものである。私たちは以前からめまい患者の体位変換負荷時の血圧測定を行なつてきた。今回これらの患者のMABPを算出し,健康な正常血圧者(以下健康成人と呼称する)とめまい患者について検討したので報告する。
The mean arterial blood pressure of the patients with vertigo, consisting of 143 cases of otogenic vertigo, 55 cases of vertigo with cerebral circulatory disturbances and 21 normal individuals were measured in various positions, such as, supine, upright and during 10 minutes of upright position.
The results showed that the mean arterial blood pressure of the patients with Ménière's disease was similar to that of the normal subjects, while that of the patients with vertibral basilar artery insufficiency, though in the supine position the value was almost similar to that of the normal persons, failed to show such an increase as in the normals when the posture was changed from the supine to that of the upright position.
The authors believe that this difference is a useful diagnostic sign for differentiating otogenic vertigo from that of the vertigo due to disturbances in the cerebral circulation.

Copyright © 1977, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.