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Marcel Lermoyezは1919年にMénière病(以下M病と略す)の発作時の症状と内容は同じであるが,その発現順序が逆である症候群を記載した12a)。具体的には,まず難聴が徐々におこり耳鳴を伴う。難聴がある程度進行した時,突然はげしいめまい発作がおき,その直後に聴力が再び元に戻るというものである。
Two cases of Lermoyez' syndrome are reported with an attempt at clarification of its relation to Ménière's disease and the mechanism with the latter may be manifested.
The first case complained of sudden deafness of the right ear. The Lermoyez' syndrome was seen with the onset of Ménière's disease of the left ear.
The second case showed symptoms that were typical of Lermoyez's syndrome. However, the diagnostic criteria of the Lermoyez' syndrome and that of the Ménière's diseases are difficult to differenciate.
The authors believe that these symptoms are manifested when the circulation in the inner ear are improved, in the fluctuation of endolymphatic pressure, especially in the presence of reduced endolymphatic pressure and dysfunction of stria vascularis.
From the findings in pendular rotation nystagmus, it was suggested that vertigo was caused by the rapid normalization of the imbalance of both labyrinth.

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