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Epithelial odontogenic tumorといえば通常はAmeloblastomaと同義であるが,1955年デンマークのPindborg1)はAmeloblastomaの症例24例中に,組織学的構造が典型的なAmeloblastomaのそれと異なる3例を見出し,Calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumorなる名称を与えて報告した。われわれは最近X線像・組織像でこの腫瘍に一致する上顎腫瘍を経験したので報告する。
A case of calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor is reported. The patient a farmer, aged 43 had suffered swelling and fistula formation of the right maxilla for the period of 4 years.
Radiographic examination revealed deformity and enlargement of the right maxilla, and it's content showed an irregularly dense calcified mass surrounding an embedded tooth.
The tumor was treated by radiotherapy with exposure to 8,000 r by MeVp 6 X-ray without any appreciable clinical improvement. Two months later it was removed by surgical proce dure.
Histologically, the lesion proved to be an epithelial tumor containing many spherical calcified areas and it was pronounced as a calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor.
The patient is now, alive and well 2 years since the operation.

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