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各種の抗生物質,抗炎症剤,各種ホルモン剤の比較的多用と日常食生活上の偏向などより,従来少ないとされていたfungus infectionが増加の傾向にあることは指摘されている1)2)3)4)5)6)22)。Mucormycosisの症例報告は近時,各種の文献中に散見するようになりつつある。が,臨床上,しばしばほとんど典型的症状を呈していたにもかかわらず,死後剖検により確認し報告されるものが未だに多い。したがつてここに自験例を報告し,本疾患に関する文献上知見を述べ慢性の三叉神経痛様疼痛,めまい感を訴える疾患診断上,一慮を払うことを強調したい。
Fungus infection, particularly that due to mucormycosis, in the human being is still a rare disease. However, there is some evidence lately that its occurrence in the world has somewhat increased since the advent of antibiotic and steroid therapy.
Fungus infection of deeper tissues, such as the brain, occurs secondarily through the blood stream and cavernous sinus which in turn receive their supply of invading organisms from the primary site of infection of the nose and paranasal sinuses. Consequently, the preventive measure and treatment for this disease is odscure, an early and thorough investigation should he made to establish a diagnosis and adopt a specific treatment.
The authors present a case of mycotic granuloma situated in the right middle cranial fossa near the sphenoid. The patient was a Korean woman, aged 54, who complained of hemicrania for the past 1 year, pain in the eyeball with visual disturbance on the right side and intermittent attack of dizziness.
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