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縦隔鏡検査法が胸部外科領域に導入されて以来,肺および縦隔洞の疾患が従来より一層容易にかつ確実に診断されることが出来るようになつた。本法はCarlensにより最初に発表されたものであるがその後の追試者はPalva,MaassenLink,Blaha,Arndt,Koskinen u. LindenおよびAeberhard u. Akovbiantzと,多くの学者により報告がなされている。
Mediastinoscopy is a means by which, not only paratracheal lymph nodes but also those lymph nodes in the anterior mediastinum caudal to the bifurcation of the trachea as well as those situated lateral to the division of the main bronchus up to the upper lobe bronchi, may be examined. Through this means mediastinal pathologic processes that may be unknown in origin and extent may be visualized and collection of biopsy specimens may he enabled thereby aiding to overcome diagnostic difficulties along with other procedures such as bronchoscopy, tomography, cytologic studies on bronchial secretions and prescalenic biopsy. Attentien is drawn to the fact that a possible complication may be involved but none was met with in authors'21 cases of mediastinoscopy. Mediastinoscopy is a valuable diagnostic aid provided that, its application is strictly limited to cases where other exploratory methods have failed and, the operation is carried out correctly.

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