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我々は第三回頭頸部腫瘍研究会(昭和37年4月6日)において2例の耳下腺腫瘍手術を供覧したが,その第1例が組織学的検索によつてPapillary cystadenoma lymphomatosum(Whartin's tumor)と判明したので,同じく最近経験した1例を加えて報告し,その臨床像,組織像を述べ,さらに本症の成因についてリンパ組織及び上皮成分の発生学的態度から考察を行つてみたい。
Two cases of papillary cystadenomatous lymphomatosis (Warthin's tumor) are reported. In 1 case in a man, aged 69, the infra-auricular swelling occurred bilaterally. The left side being the size of pigeon's egg and the right about the size of a thumb. In the other case a man, aged 54, the growth the size of thumb was situated close to the angle of the jaw. The removal of the growths was effected in both cases and the patients were cured uneventfully.

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