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副鼻腔炎の本質を解明すべく,既に病理学的,細菌学的又アレルギーの立場等から研究され,幾多の業績があり,更に最近では組織化学の進歩と共に蛋白質1),アミノ酸2),塩類3),多糖類4)-7)並に酵素等に就て広汎な研究がなされつつある。そして本疾病を病態生理学的に追求するに当つて当然局所体液及び代謝の変動,この基因をなす自律神経乃至内分泌系の消長,並びにその消長と密接な関連を有する酵素系に注目する必要がある。既にPhosphatase,Fibrinolysin8)及びCholinesterase9)10)等に関しては詳細な報告がなされている。我々はコハク酸脱水素酵素(以下SDH-aseと略)及びCytochrome Oxidaseを撰び,これらの組織代謝並びにエネルギーの推移を司る主要な酸化還元酵素活性の消長を副鼻腔炎患者の上顎洞粘膜について組織化学的に検索し,興味ある成績を得たので報告する。
In orber to investigate the nature of paransal sinusitis histoligical examinations were carried out on the mucous membrane covering the floor of maxillary sinus in 70 cases made available from 56 cases of chronic sinusitis who were operated upon by radical method ; measurements were mede on succinyldehydr-ogenase and cytochrome oxidase the botn of which forming indices of tissue metabolism and energy transference. The value of succinylhydrogenase was measured by Schelto-Schneider method and that for cytochrome xoidase by that of Gomori. These two agents were found to be equally distributed and were present in the mucous membranes, submucus tissues, glandular and periosteal tissues except that in the latter the activity of of succinyl dehrogenase was found to be very small indeed. Quantitatively, the presence of these agents differed according to the type of inflammatory process found but they seemed to effect the growth and recovery of the pathological mucous membranes.

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