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In the course of general physical examina-tion among children of primary and secondary grades of certain schools, a particular atten-tion was given to the changes that may take place in the tonsillar tissues; each individual was noted for this purpose with a detailed follow-up.
It seemed that functional activity of the tonsils reach its peak before the child reaches the age of 8-9. Atrophic changes of the to-nsillar tissues may begin to be established atthe age of 6; much earlier than heretofore believed. When the amount of streptolysin-o is low in the circulating blood the chances of becoming atrophic are greater and such a ch-ance is less when the amount of streptolysin-O is high.
The author points out the necessity of ad-opting by school physicians a means by which the results of physical examination may be made statistically comparable to each other.

Copyright © 1961, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.