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Homma reports that, in a recurring epi- thelioma of the tongue that followed initial surgical treatment, the use of Cs137 by needle implantation proved to be effective in allaying further progress of that malignancy even after the period of 9 months since this treatment had been started. Epithelio-ma of the tongue was found in a woman aged 29. Each needle holding Cs137 is about 3 cm in length capable of emitting 2 cm of radiation equivalent to 1 mg radium needle. In the present case 7 such needles were inserted into the malignancy for the period of 8 days is such a way that these occupied the area surrounding the involvement close to the normal areas beyond and placed a little less than 1 cm apart. In order to accertain equal distribution of needle im-plantation in the involvement the procedure is examined by streoscopic X-ray for veri-fications. It is also important that use of antibiotics should not be omitted in this treatment to avoid secondary infection of the tissues that may be destroyed by the process.

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