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Homma gives afavorable report on the use of Badon for postoperative build up of a patient following removal of mandible in cancer of that structure. Badon was administered in a dose of 160mg per day to the total of 4, 800mg along with X-ray irradiation of 350r every other day, the total of 4, 200r. The pateint made an uneventful recovery due to the uses of these agents to be discharged from the hospital in a reasonably short period of time. In surgical removal of the mandible the quesion of nutri-tion becomes the foremost in thought because of the fact that the patient would be deprivedof an ability to chew his food. In these cases the author stresses the necessity of employing for a reasonable length of time for maintai-nance of proper nutrition, Ringer's solution, Vitamin B1, Vitamin C and polytamin by intra-venous drips.

Copyright © 1956, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.