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C5 dipの著明な症例報一告を行うと共にC5 dipの成立機転に就て音響学的実験及び文献的考察を行つた.オーヂグラムに認められる所謂C5 dipば4000サイクル感受位近傍(基底より8-10mm)のコルチ氏官の受傷性が特に著明なる事実に帰因することを証明した.撚し外傷が過大であるとC5 dipの幅が拡大されその特微が失われるからC dipを起す外傷そのものの強さにも限度がある.C5 diPは音響及び頭部外傷の外に稀ではあるが中毒その他不明の原因で起ることもある.
ONCHI attempts to make a study on the mechanism of C5 Dip with acoustical experiments, review of literatures and report of a case, the Vulnerability of the Organ of Corti or acoustical trauma at the region where it is capable of making response to stimulation of 4.000 cycles appeared to be emphatically the cause for the C5 Dip. However there seems to be a limitation on the force of trauma with which such changes may be established because when this trauma is sufficintly large the corresponding increase in the width of C5 Dip may be to such an extent that its characteristic features are no longer recognizable. Besides acoustical and head traumas, C5 Dip may be causea by various intoxications and other unknown caures.

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