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NIHO and his associates report a method by whic-h a fragmented piece of petrous bone which was ac-cidently caused during the procedure of operation is successfully removed. A radical mastoidectomy is p-erform ed on the left ear of a girl aged 6 who w-as affedted with chronic running ear since the time of the child' s early infancy. The disease foci were found in the typanum, epitympanum, pre-petrous m-astoid cells and cells of the petrous body. The tym-panum was necessarily curetted and petrosotomy w-as effected by kopetsky-Almour method. But during the course of the latter procedure a ,portion of the petrous pyramid was accidently fractured through fo-rming a severed osseous fragment. This loosened fr-agment was then removed by Niho and Hirano met-hod. The wound of operation healed with complete eqithelization within the period of 2 months.

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