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〔Ⅰ〕 前書き
Takahara calls attention to numerous problems, that might be met with in investigation of pet-rositis, which require further clasification, esta-blishment and development. There is the urge-nt need of arriving at general agreement of terms used on this subject, whereby comprehen-sion of voluminous literature on the same may be facilitated. Many things are still wanting, such as, data on mensuration with relative dist-ances from adjacent organs, particularly the work upon cadavers of the Japanese. Enlighten-ment is lacking on such questions as that to whether inflammatory process in the apex is involvement of the mucous membrane of air cells, or tothat of osteitis and/or endostitis. On similar grounds the author delves into dis-course with further problems on the subject from physiological, pathological, symptomatological, diagnostic and therapeutic point of view.
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