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Ozawa and Shimizu say that, from the standpoint of acoustics, there is a great difference when comparison is made between the means currently used in the present day hearing tests the pure tones and the whispered speech, on one hand, and the every day conversation, on the other. When the object of the test is to establish the patient's ability to hear every day conversation the most desirable method seems to be the use of every day speech in that test. In authors' attempt in search of appropriate word sounds for use in the testing the most practical material was found in the "logatom" table which is ordinarily used in testing speech transmittability on the telephone. To make such a chart complete various studies, such as of articulations, intelligibilities, frequencies and wave lengths, are made on consonants and vowels of Japanese speech as they occur. Considerations of these points are highly essential when constructing a "logatom talle" that might be used with adequacy in testing patients for hard of hearing as well as electronic hearing aids.

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