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Suspecting validity of heretofore accepted theory that, in conduction deafness are those that are affected while in tonedeafness those of upper scales, Takahashi proceeded to investigate the matter with mediums of tuning forks and whistles upon patients affected with loss of hearing from various pathological conditions and, obtained following results.
1. In case of acute otitis media upper scale tones were most markedly affected; hearing patterns observed in these patients were of middle ear type 14%, of inner ear 34% and, of mixed 37%.
2. In cases of chronic otitis media, on the contrary, middle ear type patterns amounted to 82% while, inner ear and mixed types were shown as 5 and 8 per cent respectively.
3. In cases of tubal impairement mixed type patterns predominated over all other types and was met with in 74 per cent.
4. In cases of tonal deafness inner ear types were found as 42 per cent but, there were also additional 18 per cent of middle ear types.
5. In cases of loss of hearing from old age inner ear types constituted 80% while, middle ear types contributed merely of 1 per cent.
The author pointed out further that on superior and inferior tonal limits the accepted theory is not necessarily applicable because in numerable cases of conduction deafness perceptible tones of upper scales may be lowered and vis a versa, perceptible tones of lower scales may be elevated in tone deafness. It is to be noted that the theory is true only in statistical sense but by no means absolute and to differentiate conductive from tonal deafness by this means is a difficulty.

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