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Matsuda reports a case in whom, a farmer aged 64, was found with full upper denture lodged in the esophagus about 23 cm below the edge of upper incisor teeth. The denture was swallowed accidently. Under usual circumst-ances a foreign body of similar size would proceed no further downward in the alimentary tract than the lower border of pharynx or the beginning part of esophagus but, in the present case, previous unsuccessful attempts at removal had caused it to be driven further into that organ than it would have been otherwise. Endoscopical removal of the denture, which was provided with hook-like projection on its either side and the sharp ends of which were found to be firmly inserted into the wall of the esophagus in vertical alignment, was totally inadequate. It was finally removed when the denture was exposed through external approach on the esophagus and broken into several pieces by aid of dental instruments.

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