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Anterior Screw Fixation Combined with Posterior Interlaminar Fusion for Fracture of Axis : report of two cases Fumio SUZUKI 1 , Masayuki NAKAJIMA 1 , Masayuki MATSUDA 1 , Toshiki TANAKA 2 , Kenichi MATSUMURA 2 , Tsunemaro KOYAMA 3 1Department of Neurosurgery, Shiga University of Medial Science 2Department of Neurosurgery, Kusatsu General Hospital 3Department of Neurosurgery, Ohtsu Municipal Hospital Keyword: odontoid fracture , dislocation , treatment , screw fixation , posterior fixation pp.95-100
Published Date 1999/1/10
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1436902514
  • Abstract
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Two cases of axis fracture are reported. Traffic accidents were the cause of injury in both cases. Theodontoid process was dislocated anterolaterally with fracture of the lateral mass of the axis in both cases.In Case 1 good alignment of the atlas and axis could not be maintained even with a Halo-vest. The case 2patient with spinal cord compression caused by dislocation of the axis was referred to our hospital 8 weeksafter the accident. Both cases were surgically treated in a similar fashion. Because of the lateral mass frac-ture and lateral displacement of the atlas relative to the axis, posterior screw fixation with interlaminarfixation (Magerl) was thought to carry a risk of causing damage to the vertebral artery. Because of this,anterior screw fixation combined with posterior wiring was conducted. First, the odontoid process was fix-ed anteriorly by a screw because it was able to be placed back in good alignment while the patient was inthe supine position. Then, the posterior C1-2 interlaminar wiring with iliac bone graft was added. Rigidfixation was obtained without any complication.

Various kinds of fixation, such as posterior interlaminar wiring, odontoid screw fixation and Magerl'sfixation, have been reported for the treatment of unstable axis fracture. Among them Magerl's method hasbeen regarded as the most stable. When it is not applicable, combination of the first two methods can bean alternative way of treatment for this odontoid process fracture.

Copyright © 1999, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1251 印刷版ISSN 0301-2603 医学書院


