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最近のmulti-detector row CTなどCT装置や撮像技術の進歩により,頭蓋内構造の詳細な情報が連続したvolume dataとして容易に取得されるようになった.また,ワークステーションでの可視化画像再構成技術(computer visualization soft-ware)の革新により,高品質な3次元CT画像(three-dimensional computed tomography,3D CT)が,元画像volume dataからきわめて短時間で作成可能となってきた3,6).3D CTは,CT angiogra-phyでの脳血管内腔の描出や頭蓋底・顔面複雑骨折での骨折線描出など,関心構造物の立体的構築を把握するうえで,脳神経外科領域で幅広く臨床応用されている3,4,6-13).
We used three-dimensional imaging of the cisternal architecture with perspective volume rendering of CT cister-nography in patients with unruptured cerebral aneurysms. Selective changes in the opacity chart of computed tomo-graphic values, based on the use of a function of downward slope, represented the contour of the structures located in the cisternal space. In addition to this, using a spiked peak curve, it was possible to show the contour of the outer wall of the cisternal structures as a series of rings, which provided a transparent view inside and/or outside the cis-tern through the spaces between the rings.
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