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CT scanがはじめて日本に紹介された頃,時を同じくして手術用顕微鏡が脳神経外科手術に導入された.以来,この顕微鏡は国の内外を問わず,多くの医療メーカーによって改良が加えられ,今や脳神経外科医にとっては顕微鏡なしでの手術は考えられないほどまでに普及した.しかしながら,脳神経外科医にとっては,さらに難易度の高い手術が求められるようになり,手術時間は長時間と化し,手術野への顕微鏡挿入角度の問題から術者の姿勢は極端に制限され,眼精疲労,頸部,背部の筋肉痛,筋肉疲労,腰痛などの原因となっている.
Objective: The employment of surgical microscopy in the field of neurosurgery has significantly contributed not only to the advancement of surgical technique, but also to the operative outcome as well. This technology has allowed sur-geons to meet the demands for increasingly difficult levels of surgery, which usually require a long operative time. However, the surgeon and the assistant are restricted in their posture for a long time, leading to excessive muscular and ocular stress.

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