

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Development and clinical usage of the neurosurgical robot(NeuRobot) Kazuhiro Hongo 1 , Tetsuya Goto 1 1Department of Neurosurgery, Shinshu University School of Medicine Keyword: 脳神経外科 , neurosurgery , ロボット手術 , robotics surgery , 遠隔手術 , tele-surgery pp.867-871
Published Date 2004/12/10
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1431100247
  • Abstract
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 In the neurosurgical field, a variety of medical robots has been developed;however, robotic telemanipulation system performing several surgical tasks has not been introduced in the clinical situation yet. Real less invasive neurosurgery can be achieved when every surgical procedures are performed only with a slim neuroendoscope. NeuRobot is an original tele-manipulation neurosurgical operation device developed in Japan. The main feature of the NeuRobot is a rigid insertion cylinder with 10-mm diameter and 17-cm length. This cylinder houses a three-dimensional(3D)endoscope, irrigation and suction channels, and three robot arms moving in the endoscopic operative field with three degrees of freedom:rotation, swing of neck, and forward/backward motion. We have already confirmed safety, precision, and usefulness of this system by previous basic experiments.

 From August 2002 to March 2004, the NeuRobot was applied in total 4 cases. In the first case, a part of a recurrent superficial meningioma was removed using the NeuRobot under microscopic assistance. In the second case, a part of a recurrent superficial meningioma was dissected and removed without microscopic assistance. In the third case, the NeuRobot achieved third ventriculostomy for an obstructive hydrocephalus. In the fourth case, an intraventricular tumor was partially dissected and removed. All the procedures were accurately performed with the NeuRobot without causing any complications. Infection sign or any other complications related to the usage of the NeuRobot were not observed.

 The interhospital tele-surgery was another project of the NeuRobot. We examined time delay and security, which are most important for interhospital tele-surgery, using the NeuRobot and the exclusive optimal fiber connected to one of our affiliated hospitals 40km distant from the University. Based on sophisticated basic examinations, it was confirmed that the NeuRobot had capability of tele-controlling surgery.

 With further improvement of the NeuRobot, durability, reduction in costs, achievement of further degrees of freedom and scale down, the NeuRobot must be commonly used for achieving real less invasive surgery.

Copyright © 2004, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1243 印刷版ISSN 0001-8724 医学書院


