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We report three cases of pituitary abscess. Three patients, all females, had suffered headache and com-plained of general fatigue. In each case magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed a sellar mass withsuprasellar extension. T1-weighted images revealed an isointense or slightly hypointense lesion with thinring-enhancement following gadolinium injection. No inflammatory signs were found in two cases.
In one case, a gradual change in clinical symptoms and MRI findings was noted : the hypophysealhemorrhagic lesion detected on MRI changed into a cystic lesion with thin ring-enhancement.
Transsphenoidal surgery was performed in all three cases. In each case, however, no organism was cul-tured and no tumor component was found.
It is difficult to diagnose pituitary abscess prior to surgery if no inflammatory signs are present. Diagno-sis of this condition requires careful radiological evaluation. Findings of a suprasellar round cystic mass with thin ring-enhancement on MRI associated with thick-ened stalk, hyperprolactinemia, and diabetes insipidus may be suggestive of a pituitary abscess.

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