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Gliomatosis cerebriは,きわめて予後の悪い疾患として知られているが,今回われわれは放射線治療が著効した症例を経験した.症例を提示するとともに,本疾患の診断と放射線治療に関して文献的考察を加え報告する.
A 30-year-old female case of gliomatosis cerebri, which showed remarkable improvement after radiation therapy is reported. The lesion had spread widely in the frontal and parietal lobes of both sides, causing diffuse swelling of the cerebral hemispheres. A specimen obtained by open biopsy revealed diffuse prolif- eration of astrocytic (GFAP positive) tumor cells, associated with little tissue destruction. After whole- brain radiation of 60 Gy, the lesion shrunk gradually but markedly. Hemiparesis and milddementia, whichthe patient had experienced before treatment,subsided completely within 6 months, until she wasable torestart her job as a dentist. Although gliomatosiscerebri is thought to have a poor prognosis, thiscase de-monstrates the potential of radiotherapy for thisdisease. Factors which may lead to a better outcomearediscussed.

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