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From January 1994 to December 1997, 845 patients with stroke were admitted to Hakodate Municipal Hospital. They consisted of 514 patients with brain infarction, 206 with brain hemorrhage, 121 with sub-arachnoid hemorrhage and 4 with intracranial hemorrhage from arteriovenous malformation. The clinical categories of brain infarction were as follows; atherothrombotic recognized in 158 patients, cardioembolic in 114, lacunar in 217 and other categories in 25.
With regard to the cures of brain infarction in the acute phase, direct percutaneous transluminal angio-plasty (direct PTA) was carried out on three patients with atherothrombotic infarction, immediate PTA on two, superselective fibrinolytic therapy on two, and STA-MCA anastomosis on three. In all, ten athero-thrombotic patients (6.3%) were treated by acute surgical or endovascular therapy. On the other hand, su-perselective fibrinolytic therapy was carried out on 35 patients (30.7%) with cardioembolic infarction. There were no patients in the lacunar infarction group who were given acute surgical treatment. Neurological improvement after 24 hours was recognized in 4 patients (40%) of 10 with atherothrombo-tic infarction, and in 9 patients (25.7%) of 35 with cardioembolic infarction. However, symptomatic in-tracerebral hematoma was recognized in 4 patients (11.4%) with cardioembolic infarction. Indication for acute surgical or endovascular treatment for brain infarction was very limited because of the time factor from the onset to admission. It is suggested that neurosurgeons might enlighten citizens about the necessity for acute surgical or endovascular therapy for stroke.
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