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急性大動脈解離(以下AADと略する)は急性期予後がきわめて不良な重篤な疾患6,9)である.AADは上行大動脈の解離の有無によりStanford type Aとtype Bに分類される7)が,type Aは大動脈弓分枝への解離の波及により脳血管の解離を合併することがある2,3,10-12).今回,AAD type Aの右頸動脈への波及による脳虚血症状で発症した症例に対して,経皮的血管形成術(以下PTAと略する)を施行し良好な結果を得たので報告する.
We reported a rare case, which was successfully treated by PTA, of right common carotid artery dissec-tion propagated from acute aortic dissection (AAD) type A.
A 45-year-old male with a past history of hypertension and an artificial graft replacement of the abdomi-nal aorta due to AAD type B, 7 years ago, was brought into our hospital by ambulance 30 minutes after an attack of fainting and left hemiparesis. On admission, the patient complained not.of chest pain or left hemi-paresis, but nausea. At that time his consciousness level was JCS 1. During examinations, he had the same attack twice and his consciousness level deteriorated to JCS 2. Brain MRI showed no abnormality, but cer-vical MRA did not visualize the right carotid artery and thoracic CT depicted acute aortic dissection in-cluding branches of the aorta. Emergent angiography disclosed that the dissecting 99% stenosis of the right common carotid artery had developed from AAD type A with poor collateral blood flow. PTA was carried out 8 times and reduced the residual stenosis to about 50% with shortened circulation time. The patient's consciousness disturbance improved. After the replacement of the whole aortic arch in an artificial graft, the residual stenosis disappeared. The patient recovered without neurological deficit but right frontal silent embolic infarction caused by the artificial graft replacement was detected.
AAD is a catastrophic illness and sometimes accompanied by devastating ischemic cerebral disease (ICD) because of propagation of dissecting to extracranial vessels. This is the first report that shows the efficacy of PTA for treatment of ICD associated with AAD.

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