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Surgical indication and problems of patients aged over 70 years with unruptured aneurysms were investi-gated.
Clinical features of eighteen cases of unruptured cerebral aneurysms were analyzed. The location of thecerebral aneurysms were in the internal carotid artery in five cases, in the middle cerebral artery in tencases, in the anterior cerebral artery in 2 cases and in the basilar artery in 1 case. The size of the aneu-rysms was less than 10mm in diameter in 17 cases and giant in one case.
Treatment of these aneurysms was classified into two groups as follows; the conservative treatmentgroup (four cases) and the surgical treatment group (14 cases). The therapeutic results of the conservativegroup were good recovery in 2 cases, and death in 2 cases. On the other hand, the results of surgical groupwere good recovery in 12 cases and fair in 2 cases. Operative complications were recognized in two cases.Consciousness disturbance and left hemiparesis was recognized in one case. Right hemiparesis was recog-nized in the another case. Postoperative MR imagings or CT scan presented small cerebral infarctions inthe corona radiata in both cases. The cause of infarction was thought to be the occlusion of lenticulostriatearteries.
From these data, in patients aged over 70 years with unruptured cerebral aneurysms, surgery should beconsidered not only from the aspect of aneurysmal size and its site, but also from the aspect of cerebralblood flow of the patient.

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