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頭蓋骨に発生するintradiploic epidermoid cystは比較的まれな疾患とされている.完治には原発部位の骨および腫瘍被膜の全摘出が必要であるが,部位によっては困難なことが多い.今回著者らは前頭骨を発生母地とし,3回の摘出術を繰り返したintradiploic epidermoid cystの1例を経験したので報告する.
We report a case of a 65-year-old man with intradiploic epidermoid cyst of the frontal bone. The patient presented with headache and swelling of the forehead. Skull x-ray showed massive destruction of the fron-tal bone. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed an epidural mass without any encroachment of thedura mater. The cystic tumor was removed followed by cranioplasty with methylmethacrylate. Four yearslater, the tumor recurred in the same region. At the second surgery the bony defect was again replacedwith methylmethacrylate plate. Four years after the second operation, the tumor reemerged with some sub-cutaneous fluid retention. At the third surgery, the remaining tumor capsule was removed as much as pos-sible except for that part which adhered to the superior sagittal sinus. The authors discuss the relationshipof tumor recurrence with utilization of methylmethacrylate for cranioplasty in this type of tumor.

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