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A Case of Clear Cell Meningioma Originating from the Cerebellar Tentorium Tamio ITO 1 , Hirohiko NAKAMURA 1 , Koji OKA 1 , Jyoji NAKAGAWARA 1 , Kazuo NAGASHIMA 2 1Department of Neurosurgery, Nakamura Memoriai Hospital 2Department of Pathology, Hokkaido University School of Medicine Keyword: clear cell meningioma , tentorium , MIB−1 , occipital transtentorial approach pp.265-270
Published Date 1998/3/10
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1436901546
  • Abstract
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We report herein on a case of clear cell meningioma originating from the cerebellar tentorium, surgicallytreated by occipital transtentorial approach (OTT).

A 67-year-old woman was admitted to our hospital in September, 1996, complaining of gait disturbance.MRI revealed an isointense mass on T1 and T2 Wl, clearly enhanced with gadolinium in the right uppercerebellum originating from the tentorium, A left vertebral angiogram showed tumor stain from the rightsuperior cerebellar artery. The tumor was subtotally removed by OTT on September 24,1996. Gammaknife radiosurgery was performed for regrowing tumor 6 months after surgery.

Histological examination revealed that the tumors were composed of sheets of clear, glycogen-rich cellsand lobulated by thin connective tissues, There were no malignant findings, but some tumor cells had infil-trated into the cerebellar cortex. Immunohistochemistry showed that tumor cells were positive for EMAand vimentin, but negative for keratin. MIB-1 staining index was 7.02%. From these findings, this case wasdiagnosed as a typical clear cell meningioma originating from the cerebellar tentorium.

From a review of the literature including our case, clear cell meningioma may be clinicopathologicallymalignant, so careful follow-up will be necessary.

Copyright © 1998, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1251 印刷版ISSN 0301-2603 医学書院


