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馬尾に発生したclear cell meningiomaの1例を経験したので報告する.症例は23歳の男性で,両下肢筋力低下があり,MRIでL1からL5にかけて脊柱管内を占拠する腫瘍を認めた.腫瘍と硬膜との付着は認めず,全摘可能だった.病理診断はclear cell meningiomaでMIB-1 indexは15~18%だった.術後,症状は改善したが,再発の可能性を考え放射線治療を追加した.Clear cell meningiomaは再発の可能性があり,今後の経過観察が必要である.
We report a case of clear cell meningioma that arose in the cauda equina. The patient was a 23-year-old man in whom an MRI examination revealed a tumor occupying the spinal canal from L1 to L5. The tumor was not attached to the dura mater, and we performed a total resection. The pathological diagnosis was clear cell meningioma, and the MIB-1 index was 15-18%. Radiation therapy was performed postoperatively. Clear cell meningiomas sometimes recur, recurrence, and careful follow-up will be necessary.

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