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解糖系酵素であるenolaseの中で,γ—subunitを有するものはneuron-specific enolase(NSE)と呼ばれ,神経細胞と軸索に局在し,神経損傷時には髄液や血中に逸脱するとされている.これに関する実験的2,13),臨床的報告3,5,7,11)は散見されるが,頭部外傷臨床例におけるまとまった報告はいまだない.今回われわれは,頭部外傷患者において入院直後の血清NSE値を測定し,その臨床的意義について検討したので報告する.
Enolase is an enzyme involved in glycolysis and neuronspecific enolase (NSE) has two types of isoen-zyme (αγ and γγ enolase). Found in nerve cells and ax-ons, the NSE is reported to be released into the serum and cerebrospinal fluid following nerve injury. We re-cently analyzed serum NSE levels in 47 patients with solitary head injury who were transported to our center immediately after injury. There were 35 men and 12 women, with a mean age of 35.1 years. In each case, blood was sampled within 8 hours after injury.
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