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近年,わが国では平均寿命の高齢化が進み“老人ボケ”あるいは“痴呆”が深刻な社会問題となっている.とくに,これらの痴呆患者の中でCT上,高度の脳萎縮を伴う脳室拡大を認める例では,従来は単なる脳の老化としてとらえられていた.また,これらの変化に髄液循環障害を認める例においてもshunt手術の適応外と考えられ,対症的な治療のみが行われていた9,22,35).しかし,最近このような症例でもshunt手術が有効であった例316,30)が報告されるようになり,その病態が注目されている6).今回著者らは,脳萎縮を伴う髄液循環障害の患者の中で,Fisher Rating Scale 3徴候4)の1つ以上を有し,その直接原因が特定できないものを非定型正常圧水頭症(atypical normal pressure hydrocephalus:ANPH)と定義して,とくに血清α1—anticymotrypsin(α1-ACT)と硬膜外圧(epidural press ure:EDP)持続測定での圧波出現がANPHのshunt手術適応の因子として評価できるか否かを検討した.
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate serum a rantichymotrypsin (α1-ACT) and pressure wave on continual epidural pressure (EDP) monitoring as the indices for shunt operations in CS1 circulatory disturbance associated with cerebral atrophy (atypical normal pressure hydrocephalus : ANPH).
Method: The subjects adopted were 10 patients (aged 48-79, averaging 64.9, male : female = 8.2). V - P shunt was performed on all the cases, and venous blood was collected from the internal jugular vein before and after the operation to measure serum a r ACT value (nephelometry method, SRI. Co.). Continual measure-ment of EDP was made preoperatively (Geltec Co.). A comparative assessment was made regarding the preop-erative a rACT value and appearance or not of pres-sure wave at EDP in the group whose symptom was im-proved by shunt (effective group : E) and the othergroup (non-effective group : NE). Results:① The cases were 6 in group E and 4 in group NE.② The mean values of the preoperative α1-ACT were 43.47±8.08mg/dl in group E and 63.68 ±5.48mg/dl in group NE. The former exhibited evidently low values, and all the cases whose values were less than 55mg/dl belonged to group E (p< 0.001).③ Pressure wave (A or B wave) at EDP were observed in 5 cases, all in group E. Conclusion : ① Serum α1-ACT value can be regarded as an index for shunt indication for ANPH, and thevalue was lower in group E than group NE. The value at the boundary between effectiveness and ineffective-ness was 55 mg/dl. ② Appearance of pressure wave at measurement of EDP was observed in all of group E. ③ Shunt operation should be taken into consideration for ANPH patients whose preoperative serum α1-ACT value is low (less than 55mg/dl) and in whom pressure wave emerges at continual measurement of EDP, even though their cerebral atrophy is found to be severe by CT.

Copyright © 1993, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.