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Male prolactinomas often become voluminous and in-vasive, and also show higher serum prolactin levels due to delay of diagnosis. We experienced a case of prolac-tinoma in a 15-year-old boy. He was admitted with a complaint of visual disturbance. CT and MRI showed intra-and suprasellar mass with a ring enhancement and niveau formation suggesting intratumoral hemor-rhage. By the right subfrontotemporal approach, subtot-al tumor removal was performed, and intratumoral hemorrhage was identified. Histological examination confirmed the existence of chromophobe adenoma and, furthermore, immunohistochemical study revealed the existence of a prolactinoma. The size of the tumor gra-dually diminished with the administration of bromocrip-tine, and serum prolactin levels returned to normal value during the postoperative course. Among all cases of prolactinomas reported in previous medical literature only 23 cases of patients under 20 years old have been reported. The authors analysed our case of prolactino-ma along with other infrequent cases where intratumor-al hemorrhage was especially noticeable.

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