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無月経が下垂体嫌色素性腺腫,特にprolactinomaでは唯一の臨床症状である事が比較的多く,これらの患者に,月経周期を誘発する目的でestrogen治療を行うと,頭痛,悪心,視力障害などの下垂体腫瘍の症状が発現する事がある4,15,16,24,25).Peillonらは,こういった症例に着目しはじめて報告を行い24),Landoltはこれを"Peillon-Racadot" syndromeと名付けた15).最近われわれは不妊症婦人に対しgonadotropin治療中,"PeillonRacadot" syndromeを呈したprolactinomaの1例を経験したので報告する.
A 23-year-old housewife with amenorrhea was treated by a daily administration of 2,000 units of pregnant mare serum for 7 clays and then of 6,000 units of human chorionic gonadotropin for 3 (lays. She had a sudden onset of headache and vomiting followed by double vision and left blepharoptosis. Neurological examination 50 days after the onset showed left oculomotor paresis and normal visual acuity, and endocrinological study exhibited over 200ng/ml of serum prolactin. A pituitary tumor extending to the left parasellar region was found by radiological study and necrotic tumor mass was removed.

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