

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Clinical Assessment of Meningeal Carcinomatosis—From the viewpoint of the analysis of intracranial pressure Yasuaki TAKEDA 1 , Toshiaki ONITSUKA 1 , Jo HARAOKA 2 , Tomomi KOBA 1 , Hiroshi ITO 2 , Tetsuro MIWA 3 1Department of Neurosurgery, Social Health Insurance General Hospital 2Department of Neurosurgery, Tokyo Medical College 3Department of Neurosurgery, Kosei Chuo General Hospital Keyword: Meningeal carcinomatosis , Intracranial pressure , Intraventricular pressure , Pressure wave pp.213-220
Published Date 1993/3/10
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1436900611
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Meningeal carcinomatoses (MC) have been mainly studied from the viewpoint of the analysis of intracra-nial pressure (ICP). From the CT findings, ten patients were divided into two groups: group I, six patients showed characteristics of MC; group II, four showed normal characteristics. Ventricular fluid pressure (VFP) was continuously measured by a controlled ventricular drainage tube using a Spectramecl P-10EZ at 3.1 ± 2.1 months after the onset of the neurological symptoms.At the same time as VFP monitoring, the CBF by 1“3Xe method was measured in 5 cases and RI cisternography was performed in 9 cases.

”A“ wave was observed in 5 cases of group I and in 3 cases of group II. ”B“ wave was observed in all cases of both groups. In all 10 cases, the occurrence rate of both A and B waves (ORA, ORB) were high, averaging 2.34±0.54 times/hour, 74.0±16.6% time, respectively. Mean resting pressure(R) and mean peak pressure(P) tended to be high, averaging 28.8±12.2mmHg, 58.9 13.7mmHg, respectively. Mean cerebral perfusion pres-sure corresponding with R and P (CPPR, CPPp) was markedly reduced, averaging 79.1±15.9mmHg, 50.9± 12.7mmHg, respectively. Both ORA and ORB in group Iwere higher, and both CPPR and CPPp in groupl were lower, than in group II. Statistically, this is significant. Both R and P in Group I tended to be higher than in group II. This has no statistical significance. CBF in all 5 cases averaged 34.8±8.4mI/100g/min. No significant difference in the impairment of CBF was found between both groups. RI cisternography showed delayed clearance in all 9 cases. This was espe-cially evident in group I.

As to the clinical aspects, the neurological symptoms appeared earlier, and were more various in group I than in group II. In contrast to these, concerning the marked increase of CSF-protein content, the degree of ventricu-lar dilatation on CT scan, and the clinical outcome, the difference between both groups was scarcely signifi-cant.

In conclusion, MC is presumed to be ”tight brain" characterized by the elevation of resting pressure, the frequent occurrence of pressure wave, and the reduc-tion of cerebral perfusion pressure. Great care is de-manded for accurate diagnosis of MC, and the need for treatment is urgent. This is so because whether or not CT scan discloses pathognomonic findings it is not at all uncommon that MC has already developed to a condition with disorder of CBF and CSF flow dyna-mics. Additionally, the degree of the progression on CT findings does not always parallel the change of im-paired ICP and CBF. Furthermore, the pathophysiolo-gy of MC must be analyzed more minutely, and ther-apeutic guidelines based on multilateral evaluation methods remain to be established in the future.

Copyright © 1993, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1251 印刷版ISSN 0301-2603 医学書院


