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Intrathoracic meningocele is regarded as an uncommon pathological entity frequently associated with von Recklinghausen's disease. In this paper, four cases of intrathoracic meningocele, treated between 1966 and 1986, are presented. There were three males and one female, all between the ages of 40 and 50. These were referred to our clinic for further evaluation of an asymptomatic lesion which had been seen on a routine chest roentgenogram. There was definite evidence ofvon Recklinghausen's disease in three cases : two males and one female. All four cases had no pain, dys-pnea or neurological disorder. Chest and vertebral tomo-grams revealed masses in the posterior mecliastinum and enlarged vertebral canals at the location of the le-sion which varied from T-3 to T-11 ; three on the left side and one on the right side. None of them revealed scoliosis or kyphosis of the spine. In three cases, myelography was performed and showed an egg-shap-ed mass dorsolateraly. In two cases, metrizamide com-puted tomographic myelography was carried out and demonstrated deformity of the vertebral bone and pas-sage of the contrast material through the enlarged ver-tebral canal into the paravertebral mass.
Furthermore, magnetic resonance imaging was per-formed in two cases, and showed a homogeneous low signal intensity paravertebral mass communicating with the spinal canal on TI-weighted image. In two cases, the meningoceles were ligated or wrapped surgically. Postoperatively one presented a paraparesis and severe meningitis, and died ; the other had an uneventful post-operative course. Two patients were followed con-servatively without developing any symptoms or signs. In this paper, four cases of asymptomatic intrathoracic meningocele seen during the past 20 years, and etiologi-cal and therapeutic considerations are discussed.

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