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組み換え型インターロイキン2(rlL-2)で活性化した腫瘍浸潤リンパ球(Tumor In filtrating Lymphocytes;TIL)を担癌患者に投与する養子免疫療法(Adoptive Immunotherapy)は従来の担癌患者末梢血リンパ球をrlL-2を用いて活性化したLAK(Lymphokine Activated Killer)細胞療法より一歩進んだ免疫療法として注目されている25).その理由としてLAK細胞が主要組織適合性抗原(Major Histocompatibility Complex;MHC)の拘束を受けず幅広い癌細胞傷害活性を示す反面,標的腫瘍細胞に対する特異性に乏しく且つ細胞一個当たりのキラー活性が,治療上十分とは言えないからである24).これらLAK療法の欠点を補うべく種々の試みがなされてきた.
Expression of T cell receptor (TCR) V α and V β genes in tumor infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) within human malignant brain tumor was examined. Primers for 18 different human TCR V α and 21 V β families were used to analyze TCRV - (D) - J - C gene rearrangements in TILs in 8 human malignant glioma specimens obtained at surgery. Using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method, we detected limited TCR variable region, V α gene expression in malignant glial tumors and also V α 7 and V a 12 TCR genes were preferentially expressed. Usage of TCR V β genes was not as restricted as in TCR V α . These TILs expressing a limited repertoire of TCRs might be isolated, expanded, and used therapeutically for treatment of malignant brain tumors.

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