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Histochemical changes in peptidergic and catechola-minergic neurons during ischemia were investigated in the cerebral neocortex of the gerbil. Catecholaminergic fibers were observed by catecholamine histofluoresc-ence with glyoxylic acid solution, and peptidergic neuron systems such as vasoactive intestinal polypep-tide (VIP), somatostatin (SOM), and neuropeptide Y (NPY) were observed by immunohistochemistry.
Two hours after unilateral occlusion of the internal carotid artery, catecholaminergic fibers disappeared in the neocortex on the occlusion side, while peptidergic nerve fibers except for NPY fibers were intact after 2hours of ischemia. NPY fibers had decreased in number on the occlusion side 2 hours after ischemia. VIP-, SOM-, and NPY- immunoreactive neurons showed a decrease of 60% six hours after ischemia, and these neurons completely disappeared in the cerebral neocor-tex 24 hours after ischemia.
These results suggest that catecholaminergic neuron system is more vulnerable than the peptidergic one in ischemic event.

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