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The risks of surgical treatment for unruptured in-tracranial aneurysms, as well as the significance of eva-luating cerebral blood flow (CBF), are here reported. Out of 72 patients who underwent unruptured aneurysm surgery without such complications as occlu-sion of the main trunk or perforating arteries, or brain contusion, and who according to CT scans, did not have new lesions related to the operations, 18 patients (25%) developed neurological deficits postoperatively.In 17 of these 18 patients, postoperative neurological deficits (frontal sign : 7, paresis : 4, and seizure : 6 cases) disappeared within 2 weeks following the opera-tions. In the other patient, who was treated for subcor-tical hematoma in the left temporal lobe before aneurysm surgery, permanent speech disturbance appeared postoperatively. In the 18 patients with post-operative neurological deficits, the mean CBF value (36.2ml/100g/min) was statistically lower than that in the patients (46.2ml/100g/min) who had no postopera-tive neurological deficits (p < 0.001) . The rate of the patients with lower CBF values who developed post-operative neurological deficits, was statistically higher than that of patients with CBF values greater than 40m1/100g/min (p< 0.002).
In the patients with lower CBF values, common op-erative procedures for unruptured aneurysms such as craniotomy and mild brain retractions, may damage brain tissue. Careful perioperative management is needed for patients who undergo unruptured aneurysm surgery, because a lower CBF value may represent the degree of brain fragility.
Copyright © 1991, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.