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To determine the prognostic value of elec-troencephalogram (EEG) in patients with severe head injury, fifteen adult patients were examined for three months after trauma. All patients (age : 16 - 74 years old) remained comatose (Glasgow Coma Scale : less than 8) for more than 72 hours. Ten out of 15 cases were surgically treated. Barbiturates were not used in any patient for the sake of controlling the increased in-tracranial pressure. Three months after trauma, the cli-Meal Outcome of each patient was evaluated using Glasgow Outcome Scale (GOOD : good recovery / moderate disability, POOR : severe disability / persis-tently vegetative / dead).
EEG was examined repeatedly for 3 months after trauma ; 56 EEG recordings were performed on 15 cases. Each EEG recording was never for less than 12 hours and EEG was recorded from the bilateral parietal electrodes. Using EEG TREND MONITOR (NIHON-KODEN) , the spectral analysis of EEG was performed in five frequency bands (delta, theta, alpha - 1, alpha -2, beta) and the EEG power of each frequency hand was shown as the percentage of total EEG power (% FREQ BAND) . The findings of each % FREQ BAND was classified into the following four groups. 1) slow-monotonous : The EEG power was comprised invari-ably and almost exclusively of low frequency bands (i.e. delta and theta) , and the “slow-fast constant” which is the power of slow waves (delta and theta) di-vided by the power of fast waves (alpha - 1, alpha - 2, and beta) was stable. 2) changeable : The “slow-fast constant” is clearly smaller than the slow-monotonous and it shows temporary changes almost regularly. 3) monotonous : The “slow-fast contant” is invariably stable, however it is not as big as that found in the slow-monotonous. 4) alpha-coma : The “slow-fast con-stant” is small (i.e. the EEG power is occupied pre-dominantly with the high frequency band). However it is invariably stable.
Five out of 15 cases showed POOR clinical outcome ; most of them (4 cases) showed slow-monotonous per-sistently since the acute phase of trauma (< 7 days of trauma) and thereafter. Ten out of 15 cases had GOOD clinical outcome ; seven out of them showed change-able in the acute phase of trauma. In the second week of trauma, there was a transient increase of EEG power in the low frequency bands in five cases.
The result indicates that 1) the persistency of slow-monotonous EEG augurs a poor prognosis for the trauma patient, and 2) a changeable EEG in the acute phase of a trauma augurs a good prognosis for the pa-tient. Repeated recordings of EEG, using spectral analysis, are beneficial to determine the prognosis for a patient with severe head injury.

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