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頭蓋内原発germ cell tumorの発生部位は,松果体部と鞍上部が多く,組織型はgerminomaが多い2,5).今回,われわれは大脳基底核部に発生したgerm celltumorで病理組織学的にembryonal carcinomaとtera—tomaのmixed typeと診断された症例を経験した.embryonal carcinomaが大脳基底核部に発生した症例の報告は極めて少ない1,12,17,19)ようであるので文献的考察を加えて報告する.
The occurrence sites of intracranial primary germ cell tumors are most often the pineal and suprasellar re-gions. The histological type observed most frequently in these tumors is germinoma. Cases of embryonal car-cinoma arising in the basal ganglia are rarely reported. To our knowledge, only 4 such cases have been pre-viously reported in the literature. A case of an embryonal carcinoma arising in the basal ganglia is re-ported. A 17-year-old boy was admited to our hospital on July 30, 1988 because of headache and vomiting, and a right hemiparesis.

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