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Ⅰ はじめに
Flow diverter(FD)は,本邦では2015年4月にPipelineTM Flex(Covidien,現Medtronic)が薬事承認され,その治療の歴史がスタートした.以降,『頭蓋内動脈ステント(脳動脈瘤治療用Flow Diverter)適正使用指針 第3版』1)に基づき治療が行われている.2023年現在,3種類のFDが使用可能となっており,FD導入前には治療困難であった大型動脈瘤や後方循環動脈瘤に対しても,安全に治療が行えるようになってきた.さらに近年,エビデンスの蓄積2-4)により,動脈瘤のサイズも10 mm以下の瘤にまで適応拡大されている.
しかし,克服すべき課題も残されている.まず,母血管内に金属量の多いFDを留置することによる血栓性塞栓症,さらにそれを防止するための長期にわたる抗血小板薬内服の必要性が挙げられる.また,動脈瘤治癒までには数カ月を要するため,FD留置後の動脈瘤破裂,いわゆる遅発性破裂(delayed aneurysmal rupture)も課題である5).さらに,大きな分岐血管をもつ動脈瘤などの,FD留置後も瘤内血流停滞を得にくく瘤が治癒しないFD不応例にも考慮が必要である6).
Since Pipeline Flex(Covidien/Medtronic)was approved in April 2015, flow diverter(FD)treatment has started in Japan. Three kinds of FDs(Pipeline, FRED and Surpass)are available now, and we have been able to treat a variety of aneurysms, including those that are giant-sized and located posterior circulation, which had been difficult to treat safely before the appearance of the FD. In addition, indications for FDs have been expanding with increasing evidence. However, there are some challenges that need to be overcome. First, thromboembolic complications due to high metallic amounts in FD must be considered. The long duration of antiplatelet therapy must be continued to reduce thromboembolic complications, but the precise required-duration of this therapy has not yet been determined. Second, FD treatment requires a few months before an aneurysmal cure is achieved. Therefore, there is a possibility of an aneurysmal rupture after FD deployment. In addition, there are some kinds of aneurysms for which FD treatment is less effective, such as aneurysms with a large branch vessel. In this review, I describe the details of each FD and the current state of FD, based on the evidence.

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